Dhaka to Cox’s Bazar bus ticket price has recently increased due to the increase in diesel price. The popular buses on this route are Greenline, Shyamoli paribahan, Saint martin paribahan, Unique service, London express, Desh travels, etc. Get the latest Dhaka to Cox’s Bazar bus schedule and updated price list here.
The distance from Dhaka to Cox’s Bazar is approx 415 kilometers and 160 kilometers from Chittagong. Cox’s Bazar is a very popular tourist place for sea beaches, mountains, and natural beauty. There are buses, trains, or planes to reach Cox’s Bazar. The prices of bus tickets vary depending on the bus company and the type of bus. However, the Plane is more expensive than the bus for this trip.
Buses on the Cox’s Bazar route depart from various locations in Dhaka. However, most buses depart from Saidabad, Abdullahpur, Motijheel, Arambagh, etc. bus terminals. This Dhaka to Cox’s Bazar route has AC and non-AC buses. Some bus companies offer discounts for online purchases. See below the Dhaka to cox’s Bazar bus journey starting schedule time and recent ticket price.
Dhaka to Cox’s Bazar Bus Ticket Price 2024 & Schedule (Updated)
Dhaka to cox’s Bazar bus ticket price now varies from 1100 Taka to 2200 Taka depending on AC & Non-AC bus and seat type. We shared below the updated Dhaka to Cox bus schedule and ticket price. We collected the latest price for our visitor. All information is collected by the bus company’s official website or contact number. However, the Authority can change its price at any time for any issue.
Dhaka to Cox’s Bazar Bus Ticket Price List -Non AC Bus
Bus Company Name | Seat Type/ Class | Ticket Price | Starting Bus Counter | Start Time |
SHYAMOLI N.R TRAVELS | Economy Class | 1100 Taka | ABDULLAHPUR, Dhaka | 8:00 PM |
SHYAMOLI N.R TRAVELS | Economy Class | 1100 Taka | FP-01 NO COUNTER | 8:30 AM |
DESH TRAVELS | Economy Class | 1200 Taka | CHAPAI COUNTER | 4:00 PM |
GRAMEEN TRAVELS | Economy Class | 1100 Taka | CHAPAI COUNTER | 4:00 PM |
ROADMASTER | Economy Class | 1100 Taka | ABDUULAHPUR COUNTER | 6:30 PM |
ALMIZAN | Economy Class | 1100 Taka | ABDULLAHPUR COUNTER | 8:30 PM |
RELAX KING SERVICE | Business Class | 1200 Taka | ABDULLAHPUR COUNTER | 8:45 PM |
TR TRAVELS CLASSIC | Business Class | 1250 Taka | GABTOLI | 9:00 PM |
AMERICAN EXPRESS | Economy Class | 1100 Taka | KUNABARI COUNTER | 7:45 PM |
SUPER SONY | Economy Class | 1100 Taka | GANGNI COUNTER | 3:30 PM |
Unique Service | Economy Class | 1100 Taka | ABDULLAHPUR COUNTER | 8:30 PM |
Soudia Coach Service | Economy Class | 1100 Taka | ABDULLAHPUR COUNTER | 8:30 PM |
Royel Coach | Economy Class | 1100 Taka | ABDULLAHPUR COUNTER | 8:30 PM |
Ena Transport | Economy Class | 1100 Taka | ABDULLAHPUR COUNTER | 8:30 PM |
Dhaka to Cox’s Bazar Bus Ticket Price List -AC Bus
Bus Company Name | Seat Type/ Class | Ticket Price | Starting Bus Counter | Start Time |
DESH TRAVELS | Business Class | 2000 Taka | KALABAGAN COUNTER | 8:00 PM |
SENJUTI TRAVELS | Economy Class | 1400 Taka | ABDULLAHPUR COUNTER | 8:00 AM |
SENJUTI TRAVELS | Business Class | 1800 Taka | ABDULLAHPUR COUNTER | 10:30 AM |
IMPERIAL EXPRESS | Economy Class | 1600 Taka | NOAPARA | 4:45 PM |
AMAR ENTERPRISE | Economy Class | 1400 Taka | DHANBARI | 5:00 PM |
TR TRAVELS CLASSIC | Economy Class | 1500 Taka | GABTOLI | 7:00 PM |
HERITAGE TRAVELS LTD | Business Class | 1500 Taka | ABDULLAHPUR COUNTER | 7:15 PM |
SHYAMOLI N.R TRAVELS | Economy Class | 1400 Taka | FP-01 NO COUNTER | 7:45 PM |
DHAKAEXPRESS | Economy Class | 1400 Taka | ABDULLAHPUR COUNTER | 8:30 PM |
RELAX TRANSPORT | Business Class | 2000 Taka | ABDULLAHPUR COUNTER | 9:00 PM |
KHADIZA VIP SERVICE | Economy Class | 1400 Taka | SAIDABAD COUNTER | 9:30 PM |
PRESIDENT TRAVELS | Business Class | 2200 Taka | ARAMBAG | 10:00 PM |
GREENLINE | Business Class | 2200 Taka | ABDULLAHPUR COUNTER | 10:00 PM |
GREENLINE | Economy Class | 1600 Taka | RAZARBAGH1 | 11:15 PM |
JEDDAH EXPRESS | Business Class | 2200 Taka | ARAMBAG COUNTER | 11:30 PM |
FAQ about Dhaka to Cox Bazar Bus Ticket Price
What is Dhaka to cox’s bazar saint martin paribahan bus ticket price?
Dhaka to cox’s bazar saint martin paribahan bus ticket price 1200 Taka (for Non AC bus) per person.
What is shyamoli paribahan Dhaka to cox’s bazar ticket price?
The shyamoli paribahan Dhaka to cox’s Bazar ticket price is 1100 Taka for Non AC bus with an Economy class seat and 1400 taka for AC Bus with an Economy class seat.
What is green line sleeping coach ticket price Dhaka to cox’s bazar?
Dhaka to cox’s bazar green line sleeping coach ticket price is approx. from 2200 Taka 2700 Taka for AC bus ticket.
What is london express bus Dhaka to cox’s bazar ticket price?
Dhaka to cox’s bazar london express bus ticket price is approx. 1300 Taka for Economy Class and 1700 Taka for Business Class AC Bus seat.
What is Dhaka to cox’s bazar bus ticket price green line?
Dhaka to cox’s bazar green line bus ticket price is from 2200 Taka to 2700 Taka depending on Business class seat and vehicle model.
Final Words on Dhaka to Cox’s Bazar Bus Ticket Price in Bangladesh
Many bus services operate between Dhaka and Cox’s Bazar. Some of the most popular ones include the Green Line, Shyamoli Paribahan, Saintmartin Paribahan, etc. The journey by bus from Dhaka to Cox’s Bazar takes around 7-8 hours. AC bus takes more time than Non AC bus. Add 1-2 hours more for the AC bus journey from Dhaka to Cox’s Bazar.
The recent Dhaka to Cox’s Bazar Bus Ticket Price is so high for the price increase of diesel. For this reason, Dhaka to Cox’s Bazar Route Bus Ticket Price has increased by approx. 300- 400 Taka for Non AC bus and 400-500 Taka for AC bus. I hope the Price List of Dhaka to Cox’s Bazar Bus Ticket and schedule helps you. Don’t forget to share this article with your friends. Thanks!
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Disclaimer: The Dhaka to cox’s Bazar bus ticket price can ups and downs anytime due to the authority (Bus Malik Shamiti). We do not guarantee that all information related to Dhaka to cox’s Bazar bus tickets on our page is 100% accurate (Human error is possible). Always try to visit the Official Pages, and the Local Bus Counter to get the updated bus ticket price.