Dhaka to Chittagong Train Ticket Price and Schedule 2024

Are you looking for the Dhaka to Chittagong train ticket price and Schedule 2024? Yes, you are in the right place. Get the latest Dhaka to Chittagong train schedule and updated price list here. The distance from Dhaka to Chittagong is approx. 321 kilometers. The train journey time between Dhaka and Chittagong can take approx. 5 hours 45 minutes. 

Thousands of people travel daily by train from Dhaka to Chittagong, the two largest cities in Bangladesh. And everyone is looking for Dhaka to Chittagong train ticket price and Schedules. So here is all the information you need to make your journey a little easier. A total of 8 trains are available for you to travel from the capital city of Dhaka to the port city of Chittagong. Which of these trains you should choose depends on which timetable is suitable for your travel time.

Dhaka to Chittagong Train Schedule & Chittagong to Dhaka Train Schedule

So here I present to you the details of the Dhaka to Chittagong train schedule so that you can find the right time. However, it is important to pay attention to the days when the trains do not run. Because not all trains run every day. For example, the Subarna Express route from Dhaka to Chittagong will not run on Friday, Mahanagar Provati is closed on Sunday and Saturday is a free day for Sonar Bangla Express.

Dhaka to Chittagong Train Schedule

Train No.Train NameDays OffDeparture TimeArrival Time
702Subarna ExpressFriday04.30 pm09:50 pm
722Mahanagar ExpressSunday09:20 pm04:50 am
704Mahanagar ProvatiNo07:45 am02:00 pm
742Turna ExpressNo11:30 pm06:20 am
788Sonar Bangla ExpressWednesday07.00 am12:15 pm
2Chittagong MailNo10:30 pm07:15 am
4Karnaphuli ExpressNo08:45 am06:15 pm
67Chattala expressTuesday01:00 pm08:30 pm
List of dhaka to Chittagong train schedule

Chittagong to Dhaka Train Schedule

Subarno Express07:00 AM12:10 PMMon
Mohanagar Express12:30 PM07:00 PMSun
Mahanagar Godhuli03:00 PM09:10 PMNo
Sonar Bangla05:00 PM10:10 PMWed
Turna Express11:00 PM05:25 AMNo
Chattala Express08:15 AM03:35 PM –
List of Chittagong to Dhaka train schedule

Dhaka to Chittagong Train Ticket Price 2024 (Updated)

There are different types of trains in Bangladesh between the Dhaka to Chittagong routes. But there are many seat classes for passengers and the ticket price for all seat classes is not the same. Dhaka to Chittagong train ticket price starts from 285 Taka up to 1180 Taka. Already Included train ticket price with 15% VAT.

Seat TypeTrain & TicketTrain & TicketTrain & TicketTrain & TicketTrain & TicketTrain & Ticket
Shovan285 Taka
Shovan Chair405 Taka345 Taka345 Taka380 Taka345 Taka345 Taka
First Seat696 Taka529 Taka529 Taka
Snigdha805 Taka656 Taka725 Taka656 Taka656 Taka
First Berth788 Taka
AC Seat904 taka788 Taka
AC Berth1179 Taka1179 Taka
List of Dhaka to Chittagong Train Ticket Price 2024

Sonar Bangla Train Ticket Price for Dhaka to Chittagong Journey

Sonar Bangla Express is an intercity train of Bangladesh Railway which carries passengers between the Dhaka and Chittagong route. This train has been considered one of the prestigious trains in Bangladesh The train connects the capital Dhaka with Port City Chittagong Bangladesh.

Seat ClassTicket Price (Adult)Ticket Price (Child)
Single Chair600 Tk.465 Tk.
Snigdha1,000 Tk.730 Tk.
First Class Seat800 Tk.595 Tk.
AC Seat1,100 Tk.793 Tk.

Mohanagar Provati/Godhuli Train Ticket Price for Dhaka to Chittagong Route

Mahanagar Provati or Mahanagar Godhuli is the popular train on Dhaka to Chittagong Route. This train when running from Dhaka to Chittagong is called Mohanagar Provati. See below the Mohanagar Provati Train Ticket Price for Dhaka to Chittagong Route.

ClassPrice (Adult)Price (Child)
Single Chair345 Tk.230 Tk.
Snigdha656 Tk.437 Tk.
First Class Seat460 Tk.305 Tk.
AC Seat788 Tk.524 Tk.

Subarno Express Train Ticket Price for Dhaka to Chittagong Journey

Subarno Express is an intercity train of Bangladesh Railway which carries passengers between Dhaka and Chittagong. This is one of the prestigious trains since it is considered the first luxurious non-stop train in the country. The train connects the capital Dhaka with Port City Chittagong of Bangladesh. See below the Subarno Express Train Ticket Price for Dhaka to Chittagong route.

ClassPrice (Adult)Price (Child)
Single Chair380 Tk.255 Tk.
Snigdha725 Tk.483 Tk.

Mohanagar Express Train Ticket Price for Dhaka to Chittagong Journey

Mohanagar Express Train service is the popular service for Dhaka to Chittagong route. See below Mohanagar Express Train Ticket Price.

ClassPrice (Adult)Price (Child)
Single Chair345 Tk.230 Tk.
Snigdha656 Tk.437 Tk.
AC Berth1,229 Tk.832 Tk.

Turna Express Train Ticket Price for Dhaka to Chittagong Journey

Turna express is the Queen of the night. Because it is the excellent train service on Night schedule from Bangladesh Railway. This train is also called the Turna Nishita Express. Here is your Turna express ticket price updated.

ClassPrice (Adult)Price (Child)
Single Chair345 Tk.230 Tk.
Snigdha656 Tk.437 Tk.
First Berth735 Tk.505 Tk.
AC Berth1,229 Tk.832 Tk.

Chattala Express Train Ticket Price for Dhaka to Chittagong Travel

Chattala Express is the local train in Dhaka to the Chittagong route. This train has more substations for travelers. If you want to Dhaka to Chittagong direct, you should avoid this train. Chattala Express train takes more time to reach the destination.

ClassPrice (Adult)Price (Child)
Sulov175 Tk.115 Tk.
First Seat460 Tk.305 Tk.

You can choose any quality seat according to your budget and choice while purchasing Dhaka to Chittagong train tickets. According to the table below, you can find the Dhaka to Chittagong train seats for all classes.

dhaka to chittagong train ticket price

What is Dhaka to Chittagong Train Cabin Ticket Price?

Dhaka to chittagong train cabin ticket price for AC berth is approx. 1180 Taka.

How to Buy Dhaka to Chittagong Train Ticket Online?

Bangladesh Railway has launched an e-ticketing service. This is good news for those who like to travel by train. The train tickets can be bought online 05 days in advance. You can now easily purchase Dhaka to Chittagong Train Ticket Online. The Rail Sheba app also allows you to book Dhaka to Chittagong train tickets or any other destination from your home. The process is very simple, it can only take 2-3 minutes.

You can make payment through bkash, Rocket, Nagad, Any bank Visa Card, Mastercard, etc. You just need to log in to Bangladesh Railway’s website using your computer or smartphone, then select your departure station, destination, seat class, and the number of tickets and click the Find button. Select your desired ticket and confirm. After that make payment online within 15 minutes. The train ticket will be sent to your email immediately.

Final Words on Dhaka to Chittagong Train Ticket Price and Schedule 2024

Go to the departure station approx. 30 minutes ago so that you can find your seat easily and enjoy the train journey. I hope you already checked Dhaka to Chittagong train ticket price online using our website. Check also the Dhaka to Chittagong train schedule. Don’t forget to share this article with your friends. Thank you for visiting our website!

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Disclaimer: Above mentioned Dhaka to Chittagong train schedule may change without prior notice for technical, environmental, or other reasons by the Bangladesh railway department. Also, Dhaka to Chittagong train ticket price can be changed anytime by the railway authority.

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